OC Trial Test Course

OC Trial Test Course

Our OC Trial Tests Course has been reviewed and restructured to include the OC Preliminary Course to ensure that they are relevant, suitable and of high quality so that our students are best prepared for OC Test.
In Year 4 there is insufficient time for students to learn all of Year 4 curriculum and at the same time be familiar with all types of OC questions.
Early assessment of student’s ability and to provide extra assistance to help them prepare better for OC test next year.

Test Structure

The test consists of 3 test components: Reading, Mathematical Reasoning, and Thinking Skills, in that order.

  • Reading – 25 items – 30 minutes
  • Mathematical Reasoning – 35 items – 40 minutes
  • Thinking Skills – 30 items – 30 minutes

All questions are multiple-choice.

Benefits of CS Education Trial Test Course

  • Online review provided for all incorrect questions with video explanations.
  • Up-to-date content which familiarises students with applications of knowledge.
  • Students improve speed and accuracy.
  • Familiarises students with an environment which mimics NSW Government regulations for testing.
  • Immediate feedback on strengths and weaknesses.
  • Unique 6-steps Blended Learning System which consolidates student Knowledge through testing and tutor assisted reviews, instant reporting and analysis of results, and strength and weakness improvement.